Welcome to the Shareholder centre

Here you can find all of the latest ASX announcements, news, company information and presentations, reports and up to the minute share prices and information.


AVC Corporate Goverance

AVC Code of Conduct

AVC Audit and Risk Committee Charter

AVC Remuneration and Nomination Committee

AVC Performance Evaluation Policy

AVC Continuous Disclosure

AVC Risk Management Policy

AVC Securities Trading Policy

AVC Diversity Policy

AVC Policy on Selection Appointment and Rotation of External Auditors

AVC Shareholder Communications Policy

AVC Anti-bribery and anti-corruption Policy

AVC Whistleblower Policy

AVC Social Media Policy

AVC 2021 Appendi 4E Annual Report

AVC Appendix 04G CGS

AVC Statement of Values

ASX Announcements

Share registry contacts

Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

Below is a link to the Company’s share registry, Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd:

GPO BOX 2975
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone (Australia): 1300 555 159
Phone (Overseas): +61 3 9415 4062
